Creative Designers
The technical heart of Dragone: translating blueprints into iconic spaces.

Every one of our shows starts out as a meeting point of experiences and ideas, as a team of hand picked, eclectic and multi-disciplinary creative designers from the four corners of the world come together under the auspices of our Artistic Director.
Music. Lights. Staging. Choreography. Aerial. Storytelling. Flying objects. Moving stages. Costumes. Painted faces. Puppets. Immersive imagery. And much more. Together, the designers contribute their magic to a common creative vision.
The aim is always to go where no show has gone before and push boundaries: human boundaries, material boundaries, technological boundaries, boundaries of the imagination. From young up and coming directors to established composers or state of the art specialists, Dragone is a cocoon for some of the world’s best creative designers.
Share your portfolio with our Talents & Trends team. We’re always on the lookout for extraordinary talent.